Homework is a vitally important part of how we help our students work, think and learn independently. Homework tasks include written work, research, project work, reading, learning work and revision.
Completing homework diligently gives students a wide range of skills and qualities, helping them to:
- develop the ability to work alone and be self-motivated on a regular basis;
- improve the skills to research, organise and present work on a given theme;
- consolidate and extend the work done in class, or prepare for subsequent lessons;
- foster the habit of reading;
- revise, learn or develop work covered in class;
- do background work to prepare for what will be done next in class;
- cultivate problem-solving and other planning skills; and
- prepare responsibly for tests and examinations.
All students are required to carry the Student Planner everyday to school in order to make a note of homework, assessment details or other such information. Students may not use any other method of recording such information, as that would make it impossible for parents to check and guide. Though homework timings generally do not exceed 30 minutes for Montessorians, 60 minutes for students of Classes 1 to 3, an hour and a half for fourth and fifth graders, two hours for middle and high school students; the study time at home must not be less than three hours which can also
include storytelling by parents for primary schoolers.
Homework is important to know what is happening in the class and review the learning progress of every individual. Homework enables parents to involve themselves directly in the learning programme, to work with their children and help them with their lessons.
Ordinarily, all homework must be submitted in full and on time. However, situations can occasionally arise which mean that students are unable to complete homework on time. Examples include:
- a genuine lack of understanding (if the student made a timely effort to resolve the problem)
- an unavoidable technical problem
- an emergency situation or other unavoidable time pressure
Any student facing such a situation must arrange for one of her parents to write a brief explanation of the circumstances in the Almanac. It is the student’s responsibility to obtain this written explanation and show it to the concerned teacher(s).
Teachers will not reprimand a student for failing to complete homework on time if the student has arranged a parental explanation. However, the homework must be completed, in full, as soon as possible thereafter. Also, this concession is for occasional use only in the course of unavoidable circumstances.