Oscar Wilde, the legendary Irish playwright, poet and author quoted, “Success is a science; if you have the conditions, you get the result.” And the musing of Albert Einstein, the science titan recapitulates it for humanity to strive not to be a success but rather to be of value. Accepting as true, practicing and evolving with every word of the legends both cited above and numerous others who have been followed, the Bishop Scott philosophy of edupreneurship is well cottoned to in the state to add a postscript to the meaning of achievements as value based successes. Striding the trajectory of continual improvement for empowering the children of the land, the Bishop Scott group of institutions has grown rich in terms of accomplishments by enriching the progeny. The last eight years have been a journey where perseverance and progress have been the cornerstones. Today it can proudly claim to be one of the most sought after chain of schools in Bihar.
Bishop Scott Senior Secondary Girls’ School
Principal’s Desk
Dear Students, Parents, Teachers, and Well-wishers,
“The mind is not a vessel to be filled, but a fire to be kindled.” – Plutarch
In every child, there is a world waiting to be explored. We are committed in our mission to inculcate a state of happiness in every child to ensure a peace-loving and harmonious world.
A significant journey of a thousand miles often begins with a single purposeful step. We Offer a safe and invigorating environment for young minds to evolve, explore and expand. The school aims to ignite in its students the desire to develop a lifelong habit of learning. The motto of the school is ‘Sarva Gunna Sampanna’, we provide our students with a variety of facilities to enhance their skills and maximize their potential.
Our children are our strength and inspiration. Each child is a fountainhead of curiosity, which we recognize and respect. At Bishop Scott Senior Secondary Girls’ School we provide learning in an environment that not only stimulates their intellectual growth but also ensures a robust moral edification. We encourage our children to turn their ideas and passions into something original and valuable. Having said that, it must also be acknowledged that we are a school with a mind, a heart and a soul which is intrinsically Indian. Deeply ensconced in the tradition of the land, we take pride in remaining rooted to our cultural identity while imparting an educational experience that is world-class in every respect and which prepares children for global citizenship.
As we take firm strides into the future, it will be our lifelong aim to produce leaders who will not only be trailblazers in their chosen field but also have the courage to be instruments of change.